PDCA Management Committee
Mike Johnstone
Kevin Bruce
Jackie McNairn
Entertainment Team
Donna Lothian
Angela Falconer
Fundraising and Development
Helen Gilmore
Erik Odale
Matt Elliott
Maintenance Team
John Handley
Davie Anderson

We will always welcome any additional help. We meet once a month (1st Thursday) at most, and the involvement is not onerous. With more people working together, we can do more events and look to refurbish the hall to be a real asset and social centre. If you can spare a few hours each month, or have ideas for new uses or events please let us know.
Perhaps you could join our group of commitee supporters, who help out at occasional events or with partiular maintenance issues. We are looking to rekindle our refurbishment efforts and would welcome input from anyone with experience of doing this.
Please get in touch to be added to our skills list.
Many thanks to all those individuals and businesses who have helped out in the past.
Awards For All
Alison Binns
The Co-operative Community Fund
Phoenix Trading
Flowers by Lamb
Pathhead Players for the mat trolly
Dalkeith Rotary Cub
Cray Trust Managed by: Springfords Chartered Accountants
Pathhead Village Store
Mayshade Garden Centre Broomieknowe Golf Club
Stair Arms
Tesco Dalkeith
Heart of Midlothian
Tricia items
Newbattle Golf Club
Keith Jack
Binns Family
Dumbleton Family
Nan Oliver

Helping the Hall
The Pathhead Village Hall is run by the Pathhead and
District Community Association, registered Scottish Charity number
SC012253. There are many ways for the local community to contribute to the improvement of Pathhead Village Hall.
Why support the Hall?
The Hall belongs to the Community. Although there are other venues in the Village, (eg, the Pavilion or the Primary School hall), there are a number of compelling reasons to protect the Village Hall.
The Hall cannot be taken away from the Village as long as the Village supports the Hall. The Pavilion for example is owned by Midlothian Council who could withdraw funding at any time. This could not happen to the village hall. However, without the support of the community, the Hall could fall so far into disrepair that it would have to be sold and lost forever.
The Hall is the largest in the village and has a number of unique features such as a large stage, stage lighting and the possibility of licensed events in conjunction with the Pathhead Sports and Social Club.
Can I donate to the hall?
Yes, any donations are most welcome.
Please get in touch or use the PayPal button below.
I cannot afford to donate – is there any other way to help?
Yes, several times per year work days are held at the Hall. On work days we need people for cleaning, painting & gardening. We particularly welcome any assistance from qualified tradespeople.
The village hall is an integral part of village life and requires ongoing maintenance. While hire revenue covers the majority of these costs we are always looking for help with fund raising.
We have set up a fund raising team to secure funds for significant improvements to the Hall and while this is an ongoing process, we are always keen to hear how you might be able to help the Hall, with donations of money, time or expertise.