Pathhead Village Defibrillator
The defibrillators in the village were provided after fundraising by the Pathhead Youth Project.
There are currently TWO public defibrillators (also known as AEDs) in the village. Both are in locked heated yellow boxes.
One is outside the Village Hall, 11 Main Street at the NORTH end of Main Street.
What 3 Words ///curiosity.swatted.rules
Grid Reference NT 39359 64377
Google Maps,-2.970531,17.79z
One is on the west side of the Bowling Club at the SOUTH end of Main Street. ((Enter by either the front ramp or the back gate.)
What 3 Words ///beefed.reclusive.hems
Grid Reference NT 39750 63871
Google Maps ,-2.9643428,18z
The instructions on how to access it and use it are as follows.
Start CPR on the patient if possible
Call 999
Describe the situation clearly and calmly.
Tell them the defibrillator cabinet number
For the Village Hall this is SJS-199 and the post code EH37 5PZ.
For the Bowling Club this is SJS-200 and the post code is EH37 5PZ
The 999 operator will give you the code to unlock the cabinet.
Enter the code on the key pad and open the cabinet. Pull the handle down.
If possible keep on the line and follow the instructions given by the 999 operator.
If not open the defibrillator, switch on and follow the instructions.
There are separate instructions for adults and children. For children a special key is inserted first.
The defibrillator is programmed to decide how to treat the patient. It will give you instructions on how to place the pads and how to shock the patient if necessary.
Guidelines for giving CPR are as follows. This technique is known as Drs ABC & D.
D is for DANGER check the surrounding area for any danger to yourself before going to the person
R is for RESPONCE – lightly shake the persons shoulder – Hello, Hello can you hear me!!
S is for SHOUT – shout for help, call 999 ask for ambulance and leave your mobile on handsfree
A is for AIRWAYS for blockages – tilt head back two fingers on chin and pull down gently.
B is for BREATHING– Once you’ve opened the airway you should check for breathing for a maximum of 10 seconds.Place the side of your face over the victim’s mouth and look at the chestYou are looking for chest movement, listening for breath sounds and feeling for exhaled breath on the side of your cheek..
C is for COMPRESSIONS/CPR - If someone isn’t breathing you should immediately start Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and call for a defibrillator.
remove clothing from chest area
Get on your knees back in a straight position, Interlock one hand within the other through your fingers
Place hands between the nipples/ centre of chest and start pushing hard aim for 2 beats per second (The song ‘Staying Alive” is 2 beats per second maybe sing it in your head if you know it) and do not stop pushing on chest unless the ambulance arrives, or you are too exhausted to carry on or the call handler advised you too.
D is for DEFIBRILLATION if an AED arrives while waiting for the ambulance crew, follow the easy instructions on the unit or the Emergency Call Handlers instructions, continue CPR in between shocks.
All residents are encouraged to watch the instruction videos below. (links below will take you away from this webpage)
What to do if someone has a heart attack.
How to use the defibrillator that we have installed and give CPR.
Further advice and training can be found at here
Thanks to the Pathhead Youth Project for all their fundraising efforts, and to those individuals and groups who continue to support the maintenance and upkeep of the defibrillators. The Pathhead Defib Cgroup is now fundraising for a third Defib in the village and will be organising CPR classes in 2024.
If you notice any issues with the cabinet please contact Neil Dumbleton 07880235351. Please also contact Neil if you would like to be involved the maintenance, support or fundrasining for the defibrillators.