Please find below links to the PDCA policies.
These are prepared in line with the SCVO Keystone management toolkit for charities.
General Policies
1. On becoming a charity trustee (educational) ... adopted 10/12/20 - reformatted 16/12/20 2.
2. Code of behaviour ... adopted 10/12/20 - reformatted 6/1/21
3. Conflicts of interest... adopted 10/12/20 - reformatted 6/1/21
4. Supervision... adopted 10/12/20 - reformatted 6/1/21
5. Bullying & Harassment... adopted 10/12/20 - reformatted 6/1/21
6. Whistleblowing... adopted 10/12/20 - reformatted 6/1/21
7. Health & Safety... adopted 10/12/20 - reformatted 6/1/21
8. Data protection and privacy notice regulation (GDPR) ... adopted 10/12/20 - reformatted 6/1/21
9. General Conditions of Hire adopted 27/01/21
10. Safe recruitment... adopted 10/12/20 reformatted 16/12/20
11. Equal opportunities ... adopted 10/12/20 - reformatted 16/12/20
12. Reimbursement of expenses... adopted 10/12/20 reformatted 16/12/20
13. Financial management and accounting... adopted 10/12/20 clarifications/reformatted 16/12/20
14. Large legacies and donations (advisory) adopted 10/12/20 clarification/reformatted 16/12/20
15. Expenses claims form... adopted 10/12/20 reformatted 16/12/20
Operating Documents
16. Hall Operations and Guidance (in preparation)
Policies and guidance may be updated or changed in light of changing circumstances.
If in doubt please contact the committee or trustees for clarification.