The village hall commitee (PDCA) has been consulting with various authorities over how and when we can open the hall. The hall exists to support the health and wellbeing of people in the village and district. We would like to open as soon as we can so we can continue to do this. However, this does have to be done in a safe and compliant manner.
The PDCA have prepared a proposal and risk assessment, and have begun the process to recommission the hall. This involves health and safety checks, implementing social distancing guides and buying PPE and additional cleaning materials.
There will be new guidelines and responsibilities for those using the hall.
We are actively seeking funding to help re-open and sustain the hall going forwards and we are also looking to put on other fundraising events at the appropriate time. In the meantime, if you would like to donate something towards the upkeep of the hall, please use the Paypal button here . Any help will be gratefully received.
If you are interested in restarting your hire, or have an idea for an event in the hall, please contact us via the booking page or email us here.
If you are able to help us in anyway, or want further details please contact us, or speak to any of our committee members, or our chairman: Neil Dumbleton 07880 235351.
Many thanks for your continued support.