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Pathhead Village Hall is preparing for reopening



The village hall commitee (PDCA) has been consulting with various authorities over how and when we can open the hall.  The hall exists to support the health and wellbeing of people in the village and district. We would like to open as soon as we can so we can continue to do this. However, this does have to be done in a safe and compliant manner.


The PDCA have prepared a proposal and risk assessment, and have begun the process to recommission the hall. This involves health and safety checks, implementing social distancing guides and buying PPE and additional cleaning materials.


There will be new guidelines and responsibilities for those using the hall.


We are actively seeking funding to help re-open and sustain the hall going forwards and we are also looking to put on other fundraising events at the appropriate time. In the meantime, if you would like to donate something towards the upkeep of the hall, please use the Paypal button below. Any help  will be gratefully received.


If you are interested in restarting your hire or have an idea for an event in the hall, please contact us via the booking page or email us here. 


If you are able to help us in anyway or want further details please contact us, or speak to any of our committee members, or our chairman: Neil Dumbleton 07880 235351.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button



A group of people and organisations in the Tynewater district are looking to set up a way to connect local volunteers with anyone who has a need for help during the Corona Virus pandemic. This is to provide short term assistance, e.g. in picking up prescriptions, helping with shopping etc. It is not to provide in-home visits or medical advice.


Many people in Tynewater already help their neighbours out and this is obviously something to be encouraged. People may also have access to social work, professional careers, online shopping, etc. This aid network is not designed to replace such things. In this emergency however, peoples' usual source of help may not be able to help.


The Tynewater Aid Network will look to connect people on a one to one basis that respects privacy and should enable people to help each other in a safe manner. If you need assistance your contact details will have to be shared, but only with a few people at most. The names of volunteers will not be circulated.


If you need assistance please contact the Tynewater Mutual Aid Network by using one of the methods listed below. You will need to say what you need and when you need it by. You will need to provide a contact name and number, but that information will only be shared with the person you contact and the person who volunteers to help you.



Contact members of :-


  • Pathhead & District Community Association

  • Tynewater Community Council

  • Tyne Valley Parish

  • Pathhead Youth Project

  • Pathhead Mothers And Toddlers

  • Tynewater Parent Council

  • Pathhead Music Collective

  • Tynewater Eco Network

  • Pathhead Scottish Women's Institute


A member of the volunteer network will then contact you and look to help you out at a mutually suitable time.


Please note this is done on a volunteer basis by people who will need to keep themselves safe. For example, if they pick up a prescription for you they will leave it outside your house at a pre-arranged time; If they pick up shopping for you, you may need to hand the list and money to them through the letter box. 


This is a new venture for us all so please bear with us if there are teething problems. The helpers can't guarantee to be able to do everything and may decline some requests.






The village hall will be closed, and all events and classes postponed for the time being.

We will advise on this website and through the usual social media channels when this situation changes. 


You can get in touch with us here




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